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BOE COW Video 5-7-12 


Due to its age, this meeting video has been archived but is still available in DVD format upon request for check-out from the Office of the Superintendent, District 64 Educational Service Center, 164 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, IL 60068.

Please use this online form to request a meeting DVD; you will be notified when it is ready for pick up during business hours. (Form opens in new window.) Thank you!

District 64 Board of Education
Committee-of-the-Whole Finance May 7, 2012 7:00 p.m.

This meeting was taped on location at the District 64 Educational Service Center, 164 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge.


meeting agenda | meeting reports
presentation by Business Manager Becky Allard.

The number in the brackets indicates the time on the video when that item begins.

Closed session 6:30 p.m.
To discuss collective negotiations [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)] and employment of specific individual [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)].

Committee-of-the-Whole Finance 7:00 p.m. [0:00:54]

  • Presentation of 2012-13 Tentative Budget Draft #1 (Business Manager Becky Allard)  (PowerPoint available above)  Board comments begin at [0:24:50]

Special Meeting (immediately following) is available on a separate video page.

Return to Board of Education Meetings page for agenda, minutes, reports and videos.

As a school district, we are committed to continuous improvement.  Please send your suggestions to Public Information Coordinator Bernadette Tramm.  Thank you for watching!

Together We Discover, Learn, Grow & Care

At D64, our mission is to foster opportunities for discovery, engagement, and growth for all students. We accomplish this by nurturing interdependence, appreciation of differences, and care for self and others.

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