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100th Day Coming by Emily Lech

100th Day Coming by Emily Lech

While I was in Kindergarten this week, I was impressed at all of the various displays of different ways to make 100. Ms. Hoffman and Ms. Bultinck reminded me that a very important day is coming up: 100 day! I can’t believe we’ve been in school this long. They started out by reading the book: “100th Day Worries,” by Margery Cuyler. In the story a little girl has to come up with a 100 representation but struggles finding the perfect idea. What she discovers in the end is surprising.

The celebration will take place on Thursday February 12th. In the meantime, students are bringing in their ‘ways to come up with 100’ projects. All objects are grouped in bundles of 5's or 10's which builds on the foundational math understandings happening in Kindergarten.

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At D64, our mission is to foster opportunities for discovery, engagement, and growth for all students. We accomplish this by nurturing interdependence, appreciation of differences, and care for self and others.

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